open-source construction

November 23, 2011

OSC: social humb day post update.

My Hump day…

I wanted to talk today about my social routine on-line, since I started my Blog.

I have also been spending 3-4 hours of my day doing research in articles I come across. I have chosen the social networks that I am keeping up with.

  • reddit> 0sconstruction
  • digg> Open-source construction
  • twitter> osConstruction
  • facebook(fan/personal pg.) > Kevin J Lausen /
  • Google+(personal/fan pg.) > Kevin Lausen / open source construction
  • stumbleUpon > Gazzo0
  • Delicious > > osConstruction

I am also looking into several distro’s for review right now…

 I have also been hooked on a lot of pod-casts right now:

There are many other great shows on all of these Networks. It’s just that these are my favorites, and because I only have so much time in one day, I have to focus on the one’s I really like. While still keeping current on my social networks, and posting Blog’s.

I am probably not going to post again until Monday, when I will probably post the review for Qimo. A Linux/Ubuntu based Childrens Learning envirenment. Check it out in the links above.

November 22, 2011

Extension Tuesday: Stumble_Upon

Filed under: interests, Linux, mint 12, random, share, stumble-upon, stumbleupon, thumbs down, thumbs up — li3nuxor @ 6:23 pm

I decide to try to make Tuesday a day to write about some of my favourite browser extensions. I really woke up feeling like Tuesday was feeling like an extension of Monday. So I decided to turn Tuesday’s Bloog’s for a while, about web-browsesr extension articles.

Most of the picks that I will choose will be available for many different browsers. Many firefox extensions that I will be talking about(that I use in firefox), can be used in chrome or opera. Some of them can even be used in safari or IE. Although my focus will be mainly firefox/chrome/opera extensions.

Today I am using Linux mint 11 on a Dell D630 laptop. 

interest survey

I have used Stumble upon for over five years now. StumbleUpon takes you through a survey of your specific interests when you start.

Once they have your interests you can be sent to a random corner of the Internet universe. You can stumble the Internet based on  all your interests, or a specific topic you are interested in. I could stuble through software or computers in general for example.

One of the great things about stumbleUpon is the thumbs up/down of various stories.

notice the like it button under the cursor. Right of that is the thumbs down button. Left of it is the stumble button. All lets you select a category to stumble. 

The next two screen shots show what happens when you thumbs up something for the first time.

You are always asked whether the link is safe for work or not.

the full review lets you right a review of the Link, as well as add tags to the Link. 

 StumbleUpon also has some great integration for sharing to twitter. facebook, and to e-mail addresses. They used to have linked in, and I wish I could share to many other services like: Digg, or reddit.

stumblUpon shortens links w/

you can choose wether to share to your wall, yourfriend’s wall, a group, a facebook pvt. msg., or to a page you created.

PRO TIP: use the ctrl.+ F11 key to Toggle the tool-bar out of sight on Firefox. On other platforms you don’t have this option. Other browsers you have to click on the SU icon to toggle the toolbar. 

 StmbleUpon has extensions for the Fire fox, chrome(chromium), IE, Opera, and even Apple’s safari. There are also available options for the ios, and android mobile platforms as well.

Download Stumble upon for your browser now.

Link to install stumble Upon if you are using Opera. 

I am highly pleased with the way stumbleUpon has been serving up great content, so that I can fuel my brain with topics for my Blog. As well as the sharing features I use everyday now, are begining to show my Blog a fair amounnt of traffic. If you want to look up my stumbleUpon profile I am Gazzo0, I am the picture of Gazoo from the Flintstones. StumbleUpon has 20+ million users sharing the kinds of links that they like. This is the best social Link sharing service I have ever used.

November 21, 2011

My Ugh it’s Windows Monday Rant…

I just want to post a few short thought’s today about why Microsoft windows has frustrated me in the last couple of days. Basically yesterday I had a working, although barely windows Vista Operating system on my desktop. There are a few things that I just need windows for, although not as many as you would think.

Some of the proprietary closed-source coded programs done by Apple & Microsft, and netflix do not run on any version of Desktop Linux that I know of. Although I would really enjoy being wrong. Not only do I not get Netflix(which I stopped paying for recently), but the ability to run i-tunes, or manage the two MS Zune’s that are in the house. Other than those things, and some gaming I can do everything else w/ Linux.

the CPU inside my desktop.

Luckily I  have access to an old vista Toshiba laptop that we can manage the Zunes with, and also use itunes, although anything else would suck, because that laptop can’t do more than one thing at a time. It’s a single core pentium M, with only 2GB RAM.

I refuse to look at this situation as a loss. I didn’t Lose windows on my desktop, What actually happened is that I now have another hard drive I can install Linux distro’s on. And the fact that I can’t play portal, or my Lego PC games. I was almost finished with Lego: star wars “the complete saga”. :/ When I have enough money to spare for a legitimate copy of windows, I probably will so I can play my games. 

What happened is that when I rescued this desktop from the curb it had a bad power supply in it. Which was recently upgraded to a quality power supply. I believe that the bad power supply, had Toasted some of the RAM chips in it. It made random beeping codes when I rescued it from the curb, just before it started raining. after I removed a pair of 1/2 GB of memory it worked to restore the Machine to factory settings. Although I did not test the power supply right away as I should have. I did not have a tester yet though.

That eventually led me to the problem of a bad mother-board because of a bad power supply. So when I was getting daily BSOD(Microsoft’s famous Blue Screen of Death hardware error screen), I stopped using the computer until I replaced the power supply with a good gaming power supply, and a direct replacement mother-board.

The replacement motherboard boot up Windows, and it worked badly until last night. That is when I tried to run the recovery, which refuses to restore because it thinks that it is trying to restore it onto a different computer.

I would never pirate an Operating system, but I understand the need for a PC gamer who can’t afford a windows upgrade. I wish they didn’t have to have such a closed minded business approach.

I thought I would add pictures of the computer that, can no longer run the version of Windows it has a key for. What I want is the windows 7, but that would be $80-100 for the software, and $20-40 for the extra memory that would be needed.

November 20, 2011

I’m stepping on a SOPA box…

I am going to reach out with every bit of reach I have on the Internet, to step on the SOPA soap- box today. I will preach about the pair of bills that attempt to fight Internet piracy. I will introduce you to the key players on each side of the issue, as the fight in Our Nation’s Capitol. I promise not to hold back my righteous rage, but temper it with facts & information so that you can arm yourselves for the coming battle. 

First of all please understand that there is not just one piece of Legislature in America’s Capitol this weekend. The Sopa bill is the Stop on-line Piracy act bill up in Congress now. I almost wrote Stop on-line privacy act, which is actually closer to the truth. Mainly because this bill allows corporations the sole power to totally ban a site, that has even been accused of copy-right infringement. This seems more than just a little unjust. Especially coming from a Country that believes Innocent until proven guilty. So I ask a simple question. If I was accused of copy-right infringement on this Blog, where is my due process that I have to prove that I have broken copy-right laws. I know I am not the only one, who is worried about this passing.

The protect IP act, which was formerly known as COICA. COICA was refined into the protect IP act for several reasons. I believe it was renamed the protect IP act to try to make it seem like it was in some way in protection of some sort of on-line protection. While true the protect IP act could provide due process to the SOPA’s Internet site kill switch, it is just vague enough to cost a lot of honest, working class people an extra income stream in these tough economic times.

These Bills are designed to stop on-line piracy & infringement. Peer to peer sites like or, are a huge target for these bills. The problem was that they are not located within the USA. So they have to tell your local ISP(Internet service providers) to block them. But if you really think about it, there is just as much free software/independent media on these sites as there are infringing content. Although don’t quote me on exact numbers. So what if I choose to produce a free ad sponsored video Blog, and post it on the pirate bay. Now the United States of America is going to possibly limit my freedom of speech, because someone wants to pirate software or commercial TV on-line. That is the most anti-Americacn thing I have ever heard.

The ironic twist is this does not really stop people from going to get their favorite torrent sites. All they have to do is input the numeric IP address( for example), instead of the written one for example. This just proves that if people are determined to pirate software or media, they will find a way.

So who’s really backing this attack on civil liberties you might ask. Well it is a long list, but the short list is the MPAA(motion picture artists of america otherwise known as Hollywood), RIAA(Recording industry Artists of America…Sony, Warner…etc.), and the BSA(Business software alliance…Dell, apple, adobe, MS…etc.). I don’t stand for most software companies within the BSA, and we all know how well the MPAA, and RIAA look out for the public’s best interest.

On the other side of the debate are the major traffic hubs of the Internet. Places like Google, Facebook, Twitter, e-bay, yahoo, and many others. These companies are trying to prevent a worst case scenario. A large scale company getting even accidentally blocked could mean hundreds of thousands of dollars of lost revenue for every minute of being blocked.

I have a righteous rage building within me right now. I could not sleep tonight thinking of having to be really careful on-line, as well as knowing that I could have done something, but did not do enough. So in a way this blog is a way to appease my conscience. It’s just so hard to believe that The republic for which it stands, is now kneeling to the higher authority of the the business corporations within our country. I just hope that America will not become the founder for a censorship campaign all across the globe. For freedom sake when are we going to stop being so high and mighty as a country, and start standing up for freedom of speech. Our country was founded on freedom of speech, and now we are getting ready to censor it?

Let’s stomp this SOPA attack on our human right’s, as written by our founding fathers. Let’s make Law makers think very carefully before voting our right’s to free speech away. The Internet is intended to spread information, so let our voices be heard before it is  too late. You could also call your Congressmen, &/or Senators to voice your opinion about this issue. All of these calls will be logged, and I believe that this could shut down the attack. It all depends on us. Will you stand with me America? Hurry though time is running out!

Here is some great material I have dug up for my readers to stay informed on the whole issue.


fight the future by sending this letter to Congress.

opposed SOPA could censor all American trafic…via 

Which companies are in support of the SOPA act.  

protect_iP act summarized…via tech dirt… 

protect IP act wiki

SOPA Stop on-line piracy act. wiki 

November 18, 2011

a new and improved "Free software song"

I found an updated version of the “Free software song” today. This time it is performed in a heavy-metal style, by Jono Bacon. Many might not know that Jono Bacon is top brass community manager at canonical inc. Canonical is the company started by Mark Shuttleworth, to produce the Ubuntu/Linux Free & open-source Operating system. I hope this updated song serves to inspire our generation to use FOSS(free & open-source software), as the practical, and moral choice of our generation. 
“Free software song” heavy-metal version by Jono Bacon.ogg

I found the “Free Software Song” a while back and I loved the lyrics, but did not like the style of presentation. The Lyrics were written by Richard M. Stallman. Also Known in the computer industry as RMS. Richard Stallman was the creator of the GNU license, emacs text editor, and is a radical freedom fighter for the freedom’s of software.
  So I Hope these Lyrics resonate in the <3's and brilliant mind's of my group members.

Join us now and share the software;
You’ll be free, hackers, you’ll be free.
Join us now and share the software;
You’ll be free, hackers, you’ll be free.

Hoarders may get piles of money,
That is true, hackers, that is true.
But they cannot help their neighbors;
That’s not good, hackers, that’s not good.

When we have enough free software
At our call, hackers, at our call,
We’ll throw out those dirty licenses
Ever more, hackers, ever more.

Join us now and share the software;
You’ll be free, hackers, you’ll be free.
Join us now and share the software;
You’ll be free, hackers, you’ll be free.

Here is a link to the original band the “GNU/Stallmans” singing the original song on youtube.

November 16, 2011

the price for not choosing a free && open-source operating system…

Filed under: CBS, CBS 2, craigs list, drama, LA sherrifs department, LBC, Linux, MS windows 7, piracy, windows 7 — li3nuxor @ 2:19 am
This story I got word about from a friend of mine who I used to hang out with in Long beach, CA. I remember laughing @ him, when he told me that he was selling MS windows 7 ultimate on Craigs list.

So much drama in the LBC, especially when your stupid enough to get arrested by the software piracy task-force.

The first time I met him he told me how he screwed up his key-board by spilling his coffee on it. Later after I had known of him I found out that he broke his leg just trying to cross the street. It just shows that any idiot can sell a pirated windows operating system. Now Josh is facing charges, that will end up landing him in the state penitentiary.

This is why I would rather use Linux, than a pirated windows upgrade I can’t afford to pay for. I am currently running more than a dozen Linux distribution’s on my desktop computer alone. Choice is the power of Linux.

November 11, 2011

All freedom has a price…

Filed under: Veterans day open-source freedom price — li3nuxor @ 9:15 pm

I was thinking about Veterans day today, and what this holiday really means to me. What I kept thinking about was the sacrifices the United States military makes every day for our continued freedom’s. The fact is the struggle for freedom is one countless soldiers throughout our history have paid the ultimate price for. I keep thinking of the fact that freedom, is not free. Freedom takes sacrifice, for the ideals that you choose to live for.

So what is that cost? If you were an accountant you might try to tell me the millions of dollars that it costs to fund a military force. If you were a person who has lost a loved one, then you would tell me how much it hurts to have a piece of your heart missing.

I think that the soldiers pay an incredible price. They sacrifice their time, while serving. Many times they place themselves in very dangerous situations to defend our civil liberties. There are soldiers who many times spend their entire lives trying to recover from their time in the service of their country.

Because of These incredible people I am able to help teach others about their electronic freedom. They have the right to choose an open-source platform. They also have the right to customize that software to fit their individual needs.  They also have the right to help others learn how to meet their needs with software that has been developed in an open-source fashion. And just for the record the “Free” in Free & Open-Source Software actually refers to the freedom of software.

What you can do if your Linux is slow, or not responding well…

Filed under: command, information, Linux, memory, not responding, process, slow, top, tweak, xkill — li3nuxor @ 5:29 pm
I am under no illusions that Linux is a perfect Operating system. I personally believe that no matter what operating system you choose, you will have problems. I believe that the more information that a user has, the smoother the experience that user will have.

What I am going to try to explain today is what I do if my Linux based Operating system freezes. What I mean by freezes is stop responding to user input, and stop giving feed-back to the user.

My favorite Linux distro’s are debian/Ubuntu based. For example ubuntu, mint, pinguy, or backtrack for example. Although the reason for this problem whether using Linux or windows is the same. Basically the reason is that you don’t have enough memory in your PC for what you are trying to do.

In windows this is the cause for the infamous “Not Responding” error. On my Ubuntu computers the screen will darken/lighten to show that a PC is busy doing something. This happens quite often when I am using my net-book, because unfortunately I only have a single gigabyte of memory.

Obviously a pound of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So if you know that your a bit scatter-brained like me, then you should try to think of how much tabs you have open that you don’t need. Also you might need to do some research to find out if your computer is capable of a memory upgrade. Or you could get a SSD(Solid State Drive).

With all that said if your computer is starting to lock up on a regular basis, you need to be prepared. There are several programs that can get you back in control of your PC. The most common on a Linux system are the shutdown & xkill programs.

I usually use these from the command line, because even if the GUI(graphical user interface) isn’t responding; you can always to a tty terminal session.

in Linux  the easiest way to move to a tty is to use the shortcut:

 ctrl. + alt. + F2.

(Although you could substitute F3-F5)

You can always get back into the graphical console b entering:

ctrl. + Alt. + F7.

Once you enter a tty session your first step before you can do anything, will be to login with your user name/password. Once this is accomplished you will see some text followed by a $ sign. The $ sign means that you are logged in as a standard user. That simply means that you will have to enter “sudo” before any command that requires administrator access, and type your password. Both xkill and shutdown require root(administrator) level access.

Now if you want to shutdown, &/or restart your system you will need to use one of these commands:

$ sudo shutdown -h now

(shuts down the PC right away)

helpful if your packing up your laptop that won’t shut down.

orlinux cli system information

$ sudo shutdown -r 5

(reboots the system in 5 minutes time)

now the xkill program is for aborting programs, that are causing your system to slow down or crash. This program can be used from the run menu, or a tty session. If possible it is preferred, and easier to use the run menu to use xkill.

step one>

alt. + F2 = enter run prompt

 This is what my run dialog looks like in Ubuntu 11.10.

step two>

sudo xkill.

(although you won’t need the sudo, unless you are trying to stop a program that has root(administrator) access. An example of a program that would have root access would be a software manager, or update manager.

This command will pop up a small x that you can move w/ your mouse. When you get the “x” over the program you want to kill, just Left click it. Nine times out of ten this will kill the process.

On rare occasions you won’t be able to get the run dialog. In this case the easiest way to kill an offending program is to use the “top” program. Top is a system monitor, that is similar to MS Windows task manager, but from the terminal.

This is what my top program looks like running in a graphical terminal session. 

After entering the top command into a terminal, you will notice a blinking cursor towards the top of the process listing. If you want to kill a program like firefox. If say firefox’s PID(process IDentifier) were 1234, you would type:




then either enter for the default 15 kill, or 9 for a more abrupt stop.

There is a ton more that you can do w/ the top command, but for now I will settle for teaching you how to kill an unresponsive program that is dragging your box down.

There you have it. A way to make sure that you are the one in control of your PC while using Linux. I know that the best thing to do might be to go for a coffee break, and patiently wait for your computer to finish what it is doing. Especially if it is installing/un-installing software, or updating your Operating system. I hope this Blog post has made you feel a little more in control, and more empowered in your adventures in Linux.

November 9, 2011

Can software be morale?

Filed under: Uncategorized — li3nuxor @ 3:55 am

Software has many moral gray zone’s…

The sad thing is that because of very tricky marketing, and wide-spread mis-information; most people just accept this as the only way. I feel that one of the biggest flaws of American Culture is raising our future generation’s to believe the ads that flash across their picture boxes.

A ton of people out there just simply don’t want to think for themselves. This is kind of like Out-sourcing. Most of the time’s that people hear about out-sourcing it means sending jobs over seas. Sending jobs over seas, because it is usually cheaper to do so. This is giving up a lot of control, and hurting the American economy. When someone out-sources their thought’s they Lose their freedom to choose, and become a slave to the corporate American machine. The best example of this is Microsoft.

Microsoft and their Windows Operating systems for all of it’s innovations that challenge the computer industry, is still a software program meant to deceive the users into stealing their freedom. Because Microsoft comes installed on most computers by default from the factory, people actually think it’s free. It’s only free until the next version of windows is released, every two years or so. Then they Use tricky marketing to make you think you have to run right out and buy the newest Full version. Sometimes you may only need the upgrade. Then there’s the scare tactics of Microsoft to intimidate people who are not intelligent to know better that their Windows Operating System is not valid, and stolen. Then they make their pitch that they need to buy a whole new Windows so their computer will keep working.

Microsoft then installs a bunch of pre-installed third-party software from the factory, but many of this software is unneeded, only works for a limited time before needing to be purchased(trial-ware), and often creates a security & Identity theft risk once the trial phase of the software has ended. One example might be a backup utility a home user thinks is keeping their data safe and backed up, but when the trial date ends the program; & the users backup data are under control of the third party software company. This means that in order to restore the computer and get needed files from your backups you might need to buy one more software program you might not have needed to when you bought the computer. Another classic example of this is Norton security. After the 90 day trial, your computer will not update unless you pay through the nose for a license. Without any security software running on your system you are vulnerable to a hacker with the knowledge and ambition to want to steal your identity.

Is this moral? Is this right? Is there another option? Can you get rid of windows? Who should have the choice corporate America or you? How would the developers of the software pay their light bills? Do you think that the amount of charity a company like Microsoft(or the Bill Gates foundation), is makes deceiving the computer Users of the world justifiable? These are questions that people need to answer should be answering for themselves.
Since this is my Blog I will give you my thought’s… First of all I should tell you all that this is an ongoing debate in my own mind. Many might argue that if you give the average user too much control is a bad thing.

Giving an average User control over their software is risky, and that it will probably break their system. Once they break their Software they will get frustrated, and probably give the software a bad reputation, and possibly give up. This is especially intimidating these days where anybody has access to marketing through social marketing propaganda.

I don’t want people to think that I think there is only one way to do things. I don’t want the people reading my Blog to think that I have all of the answers, and that I am always right. I actually quite often say that I reserve the right to be wrong. I kinda enjoy being proven wrong, as odd as that is. It means that someone has just thought me something. Often this makes my ego shrink, but my brain usually grows in the process.

I think that many companies do many incredible things, that might not be possible if the amount of money that the company wields were not not present. Many of these things are for the greater good of the Human race. The Bill gates foundation being a prime example. They are trying to wipe out disease, and improve farming techniques for third world countries that are well below the poverty level. Does this balance Mr. Gates’ karma wheel? Does this account for the corporate takeovers initiated by Mr. Gates, that robbed many Americans of much needed jobs? Does this count for the fact the innocent American Victims?

Many people think that Linux and Open-Source are destined to over-take the heart’s and minds of People who are brain-washed or forced to use Microsoft or Apple Products. I believe that this in not only highly unlikely, but wouldn’t be truly beneficial in the long run. This is for the simple reason that competition leads to innovation.

Both Apple and Microsoft have made incredible strides in the way of innovative UI(User-Interfaces), productivity, simplifying communication etc. I believe that Apple’s stability comes from it’s root’s in the Unix Operating system. Unix was muli-user from the start. So Apple is great at giving a simple to use system that is stable. Apple is often favored by media editor’s like video editors. This is because the mac kernel is based on BSD which is much better at math than windows, and yes sad to say even Linux.  I believe that Microsoft’s coolest feature is it’s ability to push the PC(Personal Computer) gaming market. 
Many of you might say what about Linux. Has the Linux OS(Operating system) given us some undeniable revolution? The Linux revolution is based in the innovation of the furthering of web technologies. A perfect example would be Google and Mozilla. Linux is about a choice for a counter-culture alternative choice. I often think what if Linux were no longer the under-dog. Would it be as cool to know Linux. I have gotten work simply because I know Linux before. I have had people beg me to install Linux on their system’s so they would be free from contracts, and trial-pay business models. Linuxes greatest strength has always been the community. Unfortunately Linux is full of many myth’s. For example many might argue that Linux doesn’t have any good games. There are TONS, of great games for Linux, it’s just that games aren’t well advertised. Also that the games bought on store shelves might or might not work in Linux. I hope to create a Blog in the future about the myths of Linux, so stay tuned!
Stay close(not closed) to the source my friend’s…
Kevin James Lausen

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