open-source construction

November 16, 2011

the price for not choosing a free && open-source operating system…

Filed under: CBS, CBS 2, craigs list, drama, LA sherrifs department, LBC, Linux, MS windows 7, piracy, windows 7 — li3nuxor @ 2:19 am
This story I got word about from a friend of mine who I used to hang out with in Long beach, CA. I remember laughing @ him, when he told me that he was selling MS windows 7 ultimate on Craigs list.

So much drama in the LBC, especially when your stupid enough to get arrested by the software piracy task-force.

The first time I met him he told me how he screwed up his key-board by spilling his coffee on it. Later after I had known of him I found out that he broke his leg just trying to cross the street. It just shows that any idiot can sell a pirated windows operating system. Now Josh is facing charges, that will end up landing him in the state penitentiary.

This is why I would rather use Linux, than a pirated windows upgrade I can’t afford to pay for. I am currently running more than a dozen Linux distribution’s on my desktop computer alone. Choice is the power of Linux.

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