open-source construction

November 29, 2011

Linux Mint 12 review: wrap up…getting used to gnome again.

Filed under: dash, gnome 3, Google, Linux, MGSE, mint, mint 12, open-source, review, shell, software, Wikipedia, youtube — li3nuxor @ 4:30 pm
Linux Mint 12 review: wrap up…getting used to gnome again.

I am happy with the polish that the Mint developers did polishing Linux Mint 12. I enjoy having my menu back. I have found myself slowly transitioning away from the menu-bar, as I get more used to using gnome 3. Although I have noticed that tabs in the menu bar, are not universal throughout all of the work spaces. So If I have fire-fox on one work space and chrome on the other, only one tab will show up per workspace.

Mint menu expanded.

The far Left side of the mint menu directly relates to the gnome 3 Dash bar automatically.

Notice the favorite bar on the right side.

I like the fact that there are many ways you can  choose to get to your applications.

If you need to get to your clean desktop use the show desktop button,
which is directly next to the menu button.

I was slightly disappointed that the only way to search with only the keyboard, is to use the gnome shell method. Gnome shell does not seem to base their search results on how often I use a program, but the program I am looking for always shows up somewhere in the list within the first three key-strokes.


Use the “super” key(aka windows key) to initiate the “activities Overview” (dark) portal.

I was expecting to want to throw gnome 3 out of a window, by the end of day 2. But I am already feeling like a gnome shell ellite user after just 3 days. I think if you approach Linux Mint 12’s new interface w/ an open-mind you will be very happy, and be able to stay on topic.

I added the canary-yellow background.
The default was plain white.

I found out that there is no longer any sarcastic ascii art animals to welcome you to the Linux terminal mode. Although I do get the same Humor from the AWN(avant window navigator) dock, through the animal farm applet.


After you initiate search, you can click one of two search tabs at the bottom of the window. These search tabs when clicked or “return”, will automatically launch a new tab in your web-browser to either Google or Wikipedia. Also if you ever need to exit the dark portal, all you need to do is to hit the “esc” key.

Below I have included a couple of youtube video’s about gnome 3.


messaging with gnome 3.

Working with Windows.

Linux Mint 12 review: pt. 3 (A) 10 things 2 do after fresh install.

I would like to start this post with the first things that I do after a clean install.

1~update video drivers
2~initial update
3~Disable auto-run
4~ set up any necessary User accounts/permissions.
5~change the default Wallpaper.
6~Install DropBox to sync my documents.
7~ modify mouse settings.
8~set nautilus to open folders w/ a single click
9~ set the power/screen settings.
10~ modify my  Firefox && chrome web-browsers to suit my needs.

One of the greatest things about Linux mint, is that you don’t have to install your codecs to be able to play your media manually after installation. 

CODEC:  ” co der- dec oder” a piece of software that is installed to decode your media files. Fore example MP3. 

1)update to the newest stable video drivers since I have an Nvidia graphics accelerator card. Nvidia Geforce 210. Cheapest card I could get that was slim enough to fit, a gigabyte of video memory, and HDMI/VGA/DVI.

Searching for available drivers…
I always choose to activate the recommended driver version.

2) initial update. This takes the longest, but is the most crucial.

Your update time may vary, based on your Connection speed to the Internet. 
If you are really curious  about what files Linux Mint is downloading,
click the Right arrow to open up this dialogue. 
The first window of the update manager.

Taking a peek at where the real work getting done in Linux Mint 12

I hope you enjoy this Blog post, and be sure to check out part B…

Mini Post: Linux mint 12 installation slides.

Filed under: chrome, firefox, gnome 3, Google, install slides, Linux, mint 12, settings, update manager — li3nuxor @ 4:12 am

 This is what happens after you successfully finish entering your user data, during the Linux mint 12 installation.

Welcome to Linux Mint.
Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. This slide show will show you around while the system is being installed on your computer.

Browse the web.
Be fast and safe on the web with Mozilla Firefox. Enjoy Java, Flash, and multimedia content.
Listen to music and CD’s.
Enjoy your music with Banshee. Plug-in your MP3 player or extract songs from your audio CDs. Listen to pod-casts and on-line radios. Discover new artists on, the Internet Archive and the Amazon MP3 store. 
Watch videos and DVD’s.
Insert a DVD and enjoy a movie. Watch high-definition videos with VLC.
Manage your photos.
Organize, enjoy and share your photos with gThumb or Picasa. Export your albums to CD, to the web, or to on-line services such as flickr or PicasaWeb to share them with friends and family.
Stay connected.
Keep in touch with your friends and contacts, by email, messenger, or on your favorite social networks. Linux Mint provides all you need to interact with Twitter, Facebook, MSN, ICQ, GoogleTalk, AIM, Yahoo and many other networks. 
Be productive.
Use Libre Office to create4 professional documents, spreadsheets, and presentations that are fully compatible with Microsoft Office. Archive documents, emails, or web pages to PDF. Send and receive files with Giver on the local network. Share printers or access them remotely.
Install software.
Browse through 30,000 free applications from the Software Manager. Enjoy screen-shots and user reviews. Install software with one click of the mouse.
Run Windows software.
Install Wine and run Windows software in Linux Mint. Or install Virtual-box, and run Windows itself within Linux Mint.
Customize your desktop.
Make yourself at home and modify any aspect of your desktop. Choose from a large variety of themes, icons and backgrounds. Linux Mint is open and easy to customize.
Keep your system up to date.
Receive fixes and security updates all in one place, for the entire system, including the software you install.
Find help.
If you’re curious about something or if you’re facing a problem, simply ask around. Linux Mint is the 4h most widely used Operating system in the world. It comes with a user guide, a community website, a collection of tutorials, active forums, and chat rooms, and one of the most dynamic communities on the Internet.

November 28, 2011

November 27, 2011

Google Thanksgiving day Google+ commercial: 1:20

Filed under: Blogger, commercial, Google, marketing, Thanksgiving, youtube — li3nuxor @ 4:08 pm
This is just a mini-post to make up for not posting yesterday. I thought I would link to the video commercial Google did for Thanksgiving day. I didn’t see the add until a day after. I saw the video on the site of another Blogger coming down on the video.

I am always super excited when an open-source project gets a run in traditional marketing venues.

November 20, 2011

I’m stepping on a SOPA box…

I am going to reach out with every bit of reach I have on the Internet, to step on the SOPA soap- box today. I will preach about the pair of bills that attempt to fight Internet piracy. I will introduce you to the key players on each side of the issue, as the fight in Our Nation’s Capitol. I promise not to hold back my righteous rage, but temper it with facts & information so that you can arm yourselves for the coming battle. 

First of all please understand that there is not just one piece of Legislature in America’s Capitol this weekend. The Sopa bill is the Stop on-line Piracy act bill up in Congress now. I almost wrote Stop on-line privacy act, which is actually closer to the truth. Mainly because this bill allows corporations the sole power to totally ban a site, that has even been accused of copy-right infringement. This seems more than just a little unjust. Especially coming from a Country that believes Innocent until proven guilty. So I ask a simple question. If I was accused of copy-right infringement on this Blog, where is my due process that I have to prove that I have broken copy-right laws. I know I am not the only one, who is worried about this passing.

The protect IP act, which was formerly known as COICA. COICA was refined into the protect IP act for several reasons. I believe it was renamed the protect IP act to try to make it seem like it was in some way in protection of some sort of on-line protection. While true the protect IP act could provide due process to the SOPA’s Internet site kill switch, it is just vague enough to cost a lot of honest, working class people an extra income stream in these tough economic times.

These Bills are designed to stop on-line piracy & infringement. Peer to peer sites like or, are a huge target for these bills. The problem was that they are not located within the USA. So they have to tell your local ISP(Internet service providers) to block them. But if you really think about it, there is just as much free software/independent media on these sites as there are infringing content. Although don’t quote me on exact numbers. So what if I choose to produce a free ad sponsored video Blog, and post it on the pirate bay. Now the United States of America is going to possibly limit my freedom of speech, because someone wants to pirate software or commercial TV on-line. That is the most anti-Americacn thing I have ever heard.

The ironic twist is this does not really stop people from going to get their favorite torrent sites. All they have to do is input the numeric IP address( for example), instead of the written one for example. This just proves that if people are determined to pirate software or media, they will find a way.

So who’s really backing this attack on civil liberties you might ask. Well it is a long list, but the short list is the MPAA(motion picture artists of america otherwise known as Hollywood), RIAA(Recording industry Artists of America…Sony, Warner…etc.), and the BSA(Business software alliance…Dell, apple, adobe, MS…etc.). I don’t stand for most software companies within the BSA, and we all know how well the MPAA, and RIAA look out for the public’s best interest.

On the other side of the debate are the major traffic hubs of the Internet. Places like Google, Facebook, Twitter, e-bay, yahoo, and many others. These companies are trying to prevent a worst case scenario. A large scale company getting even accidentally blocked could mean hundreds of thousands of dollars of lost revenue for every minute of being blocked.

I have a righteous rage building within me right now. I could not sleep tonight thinking of having to be really careful on-line, as well as knowing that I could have done something, but did not do enough. So in a way this blog is a way to appease my conscience. It’s just so hard to believe that The republic for which it stands, is now kneeling to the higher authority of the the business corporations within our country. I just hope that America will not become the founder for a censorship campaign all across the globe. For freedom sake when are we going to stop being so high and mighty as a country, and start standing up for freedom of speech. Our country was founded on freedom of speech, and now we are getting ready to censor it?

Let’s stomp this SOPA attack on our human right’s, as written by our founding fathers. Let’s make Law makers think very carefully before voting our right’s to free speech away. The Internet is intended to spread information, so let our voices be heard before it is  too late. You could also call your Congressmen, &/or Senators to voice your opinion about this issue. All of these calls will be logged, and I believe that this could shut down the attack. It all depends on us. Will you stand with me America? Hurry though time is running out!

Here is some great material I have dug up for my readers to stay informed on the whole issue.


fight the future by sending this letter to Congress.

opposed SOPA could censor all American trafic…via 

Which companies are in support of the SOPA act.  

protect_iP act summarized…via tech dirt… 

protect IP act wiki

SOPA Stop on-line piracy act. wiki 

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